Economic Development

General Information
C.E.D. Director
Michelle Groenevelt
E.D. Planner
Delta James
Building Official
John Powell
City Planner
Brian Parker
Permit Tech
Rachel Santiago-Govier
Phone Numbers
Emergencies: Dial 911
216 E Park Street

Delta James 
Economic Development Planner
(208) 634-3504

The Economic Development Planner uses a set of policies, plans, and activities that seek to build capacity for self-sustaining, long-term economic growth within McCall. Guided by the McCall Area Comprehensive Plan and other City of McCall Master Plans, the Economic Development Planner helps to identify community needs and priorities, plans and implements efforts to retain, expand and recruit businesses, provides the data, research, writing and reporting necessary to secure resources for City projects, and supports placemaking through public art and historic preservation.  

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Economic Data

Local Housing

As outlined in the 2018 McCall Area Comprehensive Plan and the City of McCall Housing Strategy, a Local Housing Program that includes a number of tools to create a variety of for-sale or rental units with various price points is needed in order to support a year-round community. As part of the Local Housing Program, this incentive-based program intends to encourage the private sector to build units with deed restrictions to increase the supply of housing for locals. Deed restrictions are an important tool to ensure housing units for locals stay affordable for the long-term for other locals who are interested in renting or purchasing a unit in the city of McCall. These restrictions ensure permanent affordability.

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