Lardo Bridge Public Art Project

General Information
C.E.D. Director
Michelle Groenevelt
E.D. Planner
Delta James
Building Official
John Powell
City Planner
Brian Parker
Permit Tech
Rachel Santiago-Govier
Phone Numbers
Emergencies: Dial 911
216 E Park Street

Susan Madacsi, amazing artist and blacksmith from Boise, Idaho, has been chosen to create art to adorn the new Lardo Bridge at the outlet of Payette Lake. After meeting with the public at a Design and Desserts event in October 2018, her two design ideas for "Bridging the Source" have come to life. Ultimately McCall City Council decides on the art with guidance from the McCall Public Art Advisory Committee. However, this is public art and so it is important to hear how community members feel about the two design ideas. Which one do you feel fits McCall's aesthetic and represents the lake and our community?  Please take a moment to enjoy these art pieces by Susan Madacsi and tell us which one is your favorite design.

During the week of January 15 through January 19th, sample size art concepts and plans will be displayed at Barn Owl Books located at 616 N. 3rd Street, Suite 110, McCall. If you can't stop by and see them, take a moment to enjoy the pictures below. Remember to tell us what is your favorite design by taking the quick survey! Survey closes January 20, 2019. 

There are two main concepts for "Bridging the Source," seasonal botanical and a regional fish concept. Please review the artists notes and sketches of the options which clearly describe Madacsi's thought process and design imagery.

Seasons  - Concept #1

Artist’s Notes:

  • Four individual sculptures placed at the ends of the bridge (two each end) will reflect the four seasons.  This will be achieved through use of color in hand made ¾”-1” kiln formed glass and forged botanical forms representing seasonal changes of McCall.  Artwork will be placed on each end-cap of the bridge’s entrances.
  • Forged plant forms accent railings and carry and aesthetic theme throughout the span of the bridge.
  • Fall is represented botanically by forged huckleberry greens and fruits and other organic forms. Colors of orange, yellow, brown, red and blue will represent fall colors made from ¾”-1” kiln formed glass.
  • Summer grasses and flowers to inspire glass colors and forged botanical forms for artwork at bridge entrance (shown in rendering and scale model photos below).
  • Spring grasses and flowers to inspire glass colors and forged botanical forms for artwork at bridge entrance.
  • Winter is represented botanically by forged pine boughs and other organic forms and glass colors of blue, grey, white and clear ¾”-1” kiln formed glass.
  • Artist Concept Renderings - Seasons.pdf

Fish  - Concept #2

Artist’s Notes:

  • Four sculptures will each feature a different native regional fish made of ¾”-1” hand fused glass. They will be placed on each end-cap of the bridge’s entrances (two at each end).
  • Forged plant forms accent railings and carry on aesthetic theme throughout the span of the bridge.
  • Fish forms will be composed of fused glass.  Water, rocks and plant forms are forged and fabricated steel.
  • Some examples of potential fish species: Lake Trout, Brook Trout, Rainbow Trout, Brown Trout, Cutthroat Trout.
  • Artist Concept Renderings - Fish.pdf

Lardo Bridge Survey